Write Living Will and Get Peace of Mind


Living Wills- Your Right, Your Choice

Every person has the right to decide their own course of action. This right covers health care decisions to refuse or accept a certain type of treatment, whether it be simple medication or a surgical procedure.

An individual of sound mind and over 18 years old is also entitled to plan and give directions concerning any future medical care in the event of serious illness or vegetative state. These wishes may be conveyed via living wills.

A living will is a legal document that informs your immediate family and your doctors about your preferences concerning life support measures. These medical treatments could include artificial respirators or tube feeding, both of which have the aim of prolonging life, but not necessarily leading to a reinstatement of quality. Machines may support specific organs in the body such as the lungs, kidneys or heart.

Normally, the instructions contained in a living will would only become effective when it has been definitely established that the patient is incapable of expressing health care choices, due to the patient either being in a confirmed, permanent vegetative condition or close to death.

Once completed, you still have the right to make alterations or cancel completely at any time. However, as this is a legal document, certain procedures for alterations or cancellation must be followed. To be certain that State laws governing this action is completed properly, expert legal advice should be sought.

Any completed and signed living will should be kept in a safe location where you and your immediate family have ready access. It is also prudent to inform your lawyer, doctor and health care providers about its existence and whereabouts. Making it a part of your hospital records would not be a bad idea either.

Feel free to read other pages and learn more about making living wills and get access to the expert legal advice on offer.